Support FSU Law Review

Thank you for helping to make the Florida State University Law Review the success it is today. We take great pride in the traditions of quality, professionalism, and the pursuit of excellence established by our alumni and continued by our current members.

Your support, guidance, and patronage are vital to our ongoing success. Please consider making an earmarked contribution to the Law Review. We are grateful for a gift in any amount. Every gift helps maintain the success of the journal.

A list of our current Alumni members can be viewed here. Contributions during the last 12 months in the amounts listed below are recognized in the most current print issue of the Law Review.

Editor’s Counsel – $1,000 and above
Benefactor– $500 to $999
Sponsor – $250 to $499
Patron – $100 to $249
Member – $50 to $99
Associate Member – $25 to $49

Donations may be made online (select Law Review (F03347) from the Designation Menu) or by contacting the Office of Development & Alumni Affairs at 800.788.7097.

Gift of Endowment

Pledges to establish an endowment account must equal at least $25,000 (which can be paid over time) whereas gifts of expendable monies can be made at any level.

For more information on establishing endowed funds, please contact Dean Erin O’Connor at 850.644.3071 or Hovik J. Arakelian, Director of Development, at 850.644.7282.